Smart devices for life. Creating value through innovation!
Concept I Design I Process & Tooling I Prototyping & Validation I Support
The scope of Magnetorheological technology is just not limited to Vibration/Motion control but also find application involving high force/torque transmission with MR fluid and many more novel applications left to be explored, thanks to heavy ongoing research which has spurred product development by efficiently transforming ideas into profitable growth
Innovation is nearly about solving a puzzle! At AMT, We offer unparalleled support taking a proactive approach to problem solving as well as pioneering new product development that unlock potentially valuable solutions to meet new challenges and thus creating new commercial opportunities adding value for end-users.
We support our customers with cutting-edge solutions for a wide range of applications and also pioneering new product development to unlock new commercial opportunities creating added value for end-users
What makes MR fluid Technology Unique ?

Fail Safe Mode

Wide range of force transmission

Electronically Controllable

Short Response Time

Lowdevice Complexity

Unbeatable Performance
Our solutions expand across
Research and Development
( R&D)
Advancement in Magnetorheological (MR) Technology
Novel Application case study